\n Fluffle is an initiative taken by me, Noppes, with the goal to create a single\n unified platform for fellow furries with which they can reverse search artwork from a variety of sources. It is\n an open source project licensed under the MIT license. If you'd like to check it out, the project can be found\n on GitHub.\n
\n \n\n When you reverse search an image on Fluffle, the image gets stored temporarily on our servers for processing.\n Processing only contains fingerprinting the image. That is creating an identifier which can be used to compare\n indexed images. Once the fingerprint is created, the submitted image gets permanently deleted immediately. The\n aforementioned fingerprint also doesn’t get stored and neither do the settings used for reverse searching.\n
\n\n Said settings are stored in your browser its so-called local storage. You can\n think of this as a place in which websites can store a small amount of data. These preferences are only\n sent to Fluffle whenever you submit an image for reverse searching, and as said before, are immediately\n discarded when they are not required anymore for fulfilling your request.\n
\n\n However, a few things are logged regarding your request. These are strictly used for assessing server performance and request throttling/blocking. The following information is being logged:\n
\n\n Fluffle uses Cloudflare its web analytics platform.\n They do not collect personal information and also do not track your browsing behavior. They do not make use of cookies and neither does Fluffle, meaning Fluffle is cookie free.\n